Hi! It has been a very long time, and I promise to start writing again as soon as my finals are over! I have so much to talk about, but have had a busy few months with ups and downs, and have been trying to not feel guilty about taking rest when I need to.
So, as you may know, my work with ITV started (read my last post!) because I reached out to the National Deaf Children’s Society. And I have since been invited to be interviewed for their Summer 2023 Families magazine!!
It was such an amazing opportunity and such a big platform to talk about my experiences that of course, I said yes! I was interviewed and shortly after, photographed at Gonville & Caius College with a few friends. Yes, it was a bit awkward pretending to talk to them about what they had for lunch with a camera glaring at me. Yes, I was very aware of all the students staying in college who did not(!) choose the scenic garden-facing windows to see me floundering about. But, wow, it was such a great opportunity and I am so grateful!

So here is the article: https://www.ndcs.org.uk/information-and-support/parenting-and-family-life/families-magazine/your-stories/stories-of-deaf-young-people/making-it-in-medicine/.
Please read through and share with anyone who may be thinking of applying to medicine or anyone who thinks deaf people can’t be doctors! Okay, there is a chance I may not be a doctor if I don’t get back to studying for tomorrow’s exam, but it sure as hell won’t be because I am deaf!
Ashna x